Hurt - Leona Lewis


音乐下午茶--Hurt-Leona Lewis你肯定会单曲循环的一首歌

Leona Lewis 是我最喜欢的女中音歌手,没有之一!The Daily Telegraph的评论员Neil McCormick曾赞赏过Leona的声乐技巧,写道,“她的中音域使她能够以得体的令人印象至深的控制力在完美的低音与极高的假音转换之间收放自如”。AllMusic的Stephen Thomas Erlewine补充到,"Lewis能唱到很高的音,但却看起来好像很容易,从没觉得她唱高音的声音很疲惫,很漂亮地便唱出了高音"。同样地,Slant杂志形容Leona的嗓音"技术上讲无懈可击"

I hurt myself today,今天我伤害了自己 

To see if I still feel, 来寻找渐逝的触觉 

I focus on the pain,体会深处的痛处

The only thing that's real,带来唯一的真实

The needle tears a hole, 针尖刺破身体

The old familiar sting, 留下熟稔的一叮 

Try to kill it all away,试图让一切涅灭 

But I remember everything,但它们依旧萦绕心间

What have I become, 我到底怎么了

My sweetest friend, 亲爱的朋友 

Everyone I know, 每一个身边的人 

Goes away in the end,都最终离我而去

And you could have it all, 你们可以拿走我的一切 

My empire of dirt,我那破碎不堪的世界 

I will let you down,但我会让你失望 

I will make you hurt,我会让你受伤 

Beneath the stains of time,时间遗留的污点之下

The feelings disappear,感觉一去不返 

You are someone else,你们都变成了无关之人 

I am still right here,我却始终停步不前 

And you could have it all,你们可以拿走我的一切 

My empire of dirt,我那破碎不堪的世界

I will let you down, 但我会让你失望 

I will make you hurt,我会让你受伤

If I could start again, 如若可以从头再来 

A million miles away,在那万里之外的世界 

I will keep myself, 我会爱护自己 

I would find a way.我会找到归属之路



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